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Commit daf9b987 authored by Klaus Rabbertz's avatar Klaus Rabbertz
Browse files

Fix steering filename and scenarioname inside

parent 4ca9ed26
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# -*-sh-*-
# ==================================================================== #
# A steering file for creating a fastNLO table/grid (with NNLOJET)
# This is an example for a global steering for ALL tables/grids of a scenario
# The grid production is performed in three steps:
# I. A warmup run for NNLOJET to perform essential integrations
# See NNLOJET for details. fastNLO is not used or called at this stage.
# II. A warmup run for fastNLO that determines the accessed phase space
# in momentum fraction x and process scale mu_r, mu_f.
# Only a few fastNLO settings are used here, see below.
# The output is written into a warmup file named after the
# the NNLOJET process name, e.g. 'ZJ', the NNLOJET job name, e.g.
# 'LO-CMS13-ak07', and the NNLOJET grid name, e.g.
# ptz > ZJtriple_yb0_ystar0_ptz [30, 100, 200, 300, 400, 1000] grid =
# NNLOJET histo fastNLO grid
# ==> ZJ.LO-CMS13-ak07.ZJtriple_yb0_ystar0_ptz.wrm
# This warmup file stores some settings for fastNLO in addition to
# the accessed phase space (with number of events per bin!) for
# each order of NNLOJET run (LO, R, V, RRa, RRb, RV, VV).
# For a later combination ALL production runs in step III below
# MUST use the SAME warmup file. The latter should be the largest
# accessed phase space as combined from any order in NNLOJET!
# ==> the expected filename for this unique warmup file is
# ZJ.ZJtriple_yb0_ystar0_ptz.wrm
# without the job name info.
# III. Many production runs filling fastNLO grids for various orders
# of a process from NNLOJET that later must be combined.
# See NNLOJET for details.
# Most fastNLO settings are taken into account here.
# This steering file has to be used in combination with a NNLOJET
# run card, where most of the essential seetings like the
# observable and its binning are defined.
# Modifications or additional settings respect the following hierarchy:
# 1. From the interface package nnlo-bridge default settings for
# fastNLO with NNLOJET are made and information from NNLOJET is
# passed to fastNLO.
# 2. A steering file named after the NNLOJET grid name for fastNLO,
# e.g. from the example above
# ==> ZJ.ZJtriple_yb0_ystar0_ptz.str
# can be used to set steer parameters individually for each fastNLO grid.
# Settings from step 1 can be overwritten. Be careful not to make
# changes inconsistent with what is defined in the NNLOJET run card
# or what is mandatory for the interface to work!
# 3a. In production runs the previously derived warmup file is read.
# 3b. A global steering file named after only the first part of
# the NNLOJET grid name for fastNLO, 'ZJtriple', which is also used
# as fastNLO scenario name,
# ==> ZJ.ZJtriple.str
# can be used to set steer parameters globally for all fastNLO grids.
# Settings from step 2 are not overwritten, but lead to warnings.
# 4. In principal, parameters can also be set on the command line, but
# this has not been tested yet.
# Special remarks on scale settings:
# ----------------------------------
# Lacking sufficient scale choice information from NNLOJET the following
# settings are assumed for flexible-scale tables that allow two central
# scale choices to be stored simultaneously:
# DIS pp
# - the 1st scale set for muf defines scale1 scale2
# - the 1st scale set for mur defines scale2 scale1
# To check the closure between NNLOJET and fastNLO the proper
# ASYMMETRIC central scale choice must be used when evaluating a
# fastNLO grid with fnlo-tk-cppread, either scale12 or scale21.
# It is recommended to set ScaleDescriptionScale1 and
# ScaleDescriptionScale2 accordingly.
# If multiple entries per event are requested using NNLOJET COMPOSITE
# histos AND a scale definition varying with each entry is desired,
# then one central scale, e.g. ptmax=ptj1, must be defined for both
# muf and mur, and the InclusiveJets flag must be set in the fastNLO
# steering file.
# In that case the following definitions hold depending on the
# nnlo-bridge code version:
# BRIDGE 0.0.40:
# (requires additional fixed-scale combinations of
# muf = 2.718281828459045 mur = 2.718281828459045
# muf = 4.481689070338065 mur = 4.481689070338065
# muf = 4.481689070338065 mur = 2.718281828459045
# muf = 2.718281828459045 mur = 4.481689070338065
# muf = 12.18249396070347 mur = 2.718281828459045
# muf = 2.718281828459045 mur = 12.18249396070347
# in the SCALES section of the NNLOJET run card.)
# DIS pp
# - the 1st scale set for muf&mur defines scale1 scale2
# - the stored observable defines scale2 scale1
# To check the closure between NNLOJET and fastNLO the proper
# SYMMETRIC central scale choice must be used when evaluating a
# fastNLO grid with fnlo-tk-cppread, either scale1 or scale2.
# BRIDGE 0.0.46:
# (requires additional fixed-scale combinations of
# muf = 90.0171313005 mur = 90.0171313005
# muf = 54.5981500331 mur = 54.5981500331
# muf = 148.4131591026 mur = 148.4131591026
# muf = 54.5981500331 mur = 90.0171313005
# muf = 90.0171313005 mur = 54.5981500331
# muf = 148.4131591026 mur = 90.0171313005
# in the SCALES section of the NNLOJET run card.)
# DIS(?) pp
# - the 1st scale set for muf&mur defines scale1 scale2=mu/obs(!)
# - the stored observable defines scale2 scale1
# To check the closure between NNLOJET and fastNLO the proper
# SYMMETRIC central scale choice must be used when evaluating a
# fastNLO grid with fnlo-tk-cppread, i.e. for pp scale1*scale2.
# ==================================================================== #
# ==================================================================== #
# Scenario specific settings
# Either set individually for each fastNLO grid or globally for all
# ==================================================================== #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Settings to be modified already for Warmup
# (These are stored in the warmup file!)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#CheckScaleLimitsAgainstBins true # (def.=true) Set limits for scale nodes to bin borders, if possible. Good if scale equals the binned observable.
# Scales and scale factors must be set in the NNLOJET run card
ScaleDescriptionScale1 "m12_[GeV]" # (def.='scale1') Reset the 1st scale name and unit, e.g. "<pT_1,2>_[GeV]" (Note: The 1st scale must always be in units of [GeV]!)
ScaleDescriptionScale2 "m12_[GeV]" # (def.='scale2') Reset the 2nd scale name and unit (ONLY for flexible-scale tables)
#DifferentialDimension 1 # (must be 1) So far the interface to NNLOJET supports only 1-dim histograms. DO NOT CHANGE!
DimensionLabels { # Labels (symbol and unit) for the measurement dimension (from outer to inner "loop")
"m12_[GeV]" # The default following the example above would be: "ptz"
#DimensionIsDifferential { # (must be 2) Specify for each dimension whether
# 2 # 0 : the cross section is NOT differential, i.e. there are two bin borders,
#} # but NO division (normalization) by bin width
# 1 : the cross section is point-wise differential, i.e. only one point is given
# 2 : the cross section is bin-wise differential, i.e. there are two bin borders
# Since NNLOJET provides bin-wise differential distributions use option 2. DO NOT CHANGE!
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Description of scenario
# (Write each line of description in quotation marks)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
ScenarioName fnl2412eff-fc-v2 # (def.=NNLOJET process name) No white space allowed here!
# Here: Either one description for all
ScenarioDescription { # Replace generic one-line text by desired (multi-line) description
"CMS-PAPER-QCD-11-004, arXiv:1212.6660, Phys. Rev. D 87 (2013) 112002."
"provided by:"
"If you use this table, please cite:"
" D. Britzger, K. Rabbertz, F. Stober, M. Wobisch, Proc. DIS 2012, 217 (2012), arXiv:1208.3641."
PublicationUnits 12 # (def.=12) Cross section unit to be used for output (negative power of 10, e.g. 12->pb, 15->fb)
# For comparison, e.g. via Rivet, should correspond to published data cross sections
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Cuts
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# To bet set via NNLOJET run card
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Observable normalization
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#CalculateBinSize true # (def.=true) Calculate bin width from lower and upper bin boundaries
#BinSizeFactor 1. # (def.=1.) Possibility to provide additional normalization factor, e.g. of 2. for bins in |y|
#BinSize { x1 x2 x3 ... } # (def. not set) If 'CalculateBinSize' is 'false' provide table with bin widths 'by hand' for normalization
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Observable binning
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Use either 'SingleDifferentialBinning' or
# 'DoubleDifferentialBinning' or
# 'TripleDifferentialBinning'
# in accord with 'DifferentialDimension' above
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# To bet set via the NNLOJET run card
# ==================================================================== #
# Process specific and therefore at least partially theory-code
# dependent settings
# ==================================================================== #
# To bet set directly from NNLOJET interface and via the NNLOJET run card
# ==================================================================== #
# A few special settings only used with NNLOJET so far
# ==================================================================== #
#InclusiveJets true # (def.=false) Flag to vary the mur, muf scale per entry, not just per event
# # Must be set in accordance with NNLOJET run card!
# # Only possible with flexible-scale grids
# ==================================================================== #
# General fastNLO settings
# ==================================================================== #
GlobalVerbosity INFO # (def.=WARNING) Global output verbosity of fastNLO toolkit,
# (and of user scenario code if implemented).
FlexibleScaleTable true # (def.=false) Create table fully flexible in mu_f (larger size), true, or
# table with fixed number of mu_f scale factors
CacheType 20 # For now switch off caching feature
CacheMax 30
CacheCompare 10
# ==================================================================== #
# Specific fastNLO settings (normally do not need to be changed)
# Only change when you know what you are doing ...!
# ==================================================================== #
#OutputFilename # Overwrites default filename of fastNLO output table, e.g.
#OutputPrecision 8 # (def.=8) Number of decimal digits to store in output table
#OutputCompression true # (def.=true) Write out fastNLO table/grid in gzipped format (requires zlib)
#CacheType 0
#CacheMax 30
#CacheCompare 10
#ScaleVariationFactors { # (def.=1.0 0.5 2.0) Must be set in accordance with NNLOJET run card! Factorization scale variations (only needed for fixed-scale tables)
# 1.0 0.5 2.0 # List of scale factors must include factor '1.0'
#} # Scale factors will be ordered according to fastNLO convention: (1, min, ... , max)
#ReadBinningFromSteering false # (must be true) Specify where the binning is defined.
#ApplyPDFReweighting true # (def.=true) Apply reweighting of PDFs for an optimized interpolation
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Choose fastNLO interpolation kernels and distance measures
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Currently implemented interpolation kernels
# Catmull
# Lagrange
# OneNode
# Linear
# Currently implemented distance measures
# linear
# loglog025 eq. to (log(log(4*x)))
# log10
# sqrtlog10 eq. to sqrt(log_10(x))
# For a constant scale like M_Z use e.g.
# Mu1_Kernel OneNode
# Mu1_DistanceMeasure "log10"
# Mu1_NNodes 1
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#X_Kernel Lagrange # (def.= pp: Lagrange; DIS: Catmull)
#X_DistanceMeasure sqrtlog10 # (def.= pp: sqrtlog10; DIS: log10)
#X_NNodes 20 # (def.= pp: 20; DIS: 18)
#X_NNodeCounting NodesPerBin # (def.=NodesPerBin)
#Mu1_Kernel Lagrange # (def.=Lagrange)
#Mu1_DistanceMeasure "loglog025" # (def.=loglog025)
#Mu1_NNodes 6 # (def.=6)
# Scale2 not used for fixed-scale tables
Mu2_Kernel OneNode # (def.=Lagrange)
Mu2_DistanceMeasure "loglog025" # (def.=loglog025)
Mu2_NNodes 1 # (def.=6)
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