#CheckScaleLimitsAgainstBins true # (def.=true) Set limits for scale nodes to bin borders, if possible. Good if scale equals the binned observable.
# Scales and scale factors must be set in the NNLOJET run card
ScaleDescriptionScale1 "m12_[GeV]"# (def.='scale1') Reset the 1st scale name and unit, e.g. "<pT_1,2>_[GeV]" (Note: The 1st scale must always be in units of [GeV]!)
ScaleDescriptionScale2 "m12_[GeV]"# (def.='scale2') Reset the 2nd scale name and unit (ONLY for flexible-scale tables)
#DifferentialDimension 1 # (must be 1) So far the interface to NNLOJET supports only 1-dim histograms. DO NOT CHANGE!
DimensionLabels {# Labels (symbol and unit) for the measurement dimension (from outer to inner "loop")
"m12_[GeV]"# The default following the example above would be: "ptz"
#DimensionIsDifferential { # (must be 2) Specify for each dimension whether
# 2 # 0 : the cross section is NOT differential, i.e. there are two bin borders,
#} # but NO division (normalization) by bin width
# 1 : the cross section is point-wise differential, i.e. only one point is given
# 2 : the cross section is bin-wise differential, i.e. there are two bin borders
# Since NNLOJET provides bin-wise differential distributions use option 2. DO NOT CHANGE!
#OutputFilename fastNLO.tab # Overwrites default filename of fastNLO output table, e.g. ZJ.LO-CMS13.vBa.ZJtriple_yb0_ystar0_ptz.s92394.tab.gz
#OutputPrecision 8 # (def.=8) Number of decimal digits to store in output table
#OutputCompression true # (def.=true) Write out fastNLO table/grid in gzipped format (requires zlib)
#CacheType 0
#CacheMax 30
#CacheCompare 10
#ScaleVariationFactors { # (def.=1.0 0.5 2.0) Must be set in accordance with NNLOJET run card! Factorization scale variations (only needed for fixed-scale tables)
# 1.0 0.5 2.0 # List of scale factors must include factor '1.0'
#} # Scale factors will be ordered according to fastNLO convention: (1, min, ... , max)
#ReadBinningFromSteering false # (must be true) Specify where the binning is defined.
#ApplyPDFReweighting true # (def.=true) Apply reweighting of PDFs for an optimized interpolation